Server Requirements

Server Requirements

Ensure your hosting environment meets the application requirements below:

  • Linux (Debian / Ubuntu is preferred)
  • Nginx 1.18.x or above / Apache 2.4.x or above (nginx is preferred)
  • PHP 8.2, or 8.3 (8.3 is preferred)
  • MySQL 5.7, 8.0 / MariaDB 10.x (MariaDB is preferred)
  • To use autoresponders and triggers your need cron on your web server.
  • To process bounced emails, your version of PHP needs access to the imap_xxx functions.

Please download and run check_iem.php to help verify that the system requirements are met before starting the installation. Once you have verified the requirements, follow the simple instructions outlined in the Installation Guide.

We also provide step-by-step installation guides for VPS environments running Ubuntu or servers with cPanel, making setup quick and straightforward

Requirements FAQ

Does Interspire Email Marketer work with PHP 8.x?

Yes, Interspire is compatible with PHP 8.x. Please see the details below.

  • v8.5.0 is compatible with PHP 8.2, and 8.3
  • v8.0.0 – v8.4.1 is compatible with PHP 8.0, and 8.1
  • v7.x is compatible with PHP 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1

Does Interspire Email Marketer work with Windows?

Yes, Interspire works on Windows with XAMPP or Laragon. However, we do not support the Windows environment as part of our standard maintenance and support. Contact us if you would like to obtain Windows support.

Does Interspire Email Marketer work with MySQL 8?

Yes, starting with version 8.3.0, Interspire Email Marketer is fully compatible with MySQL 8.0.

Does Interspire Email Marketer need fsockopen enabled on our server ?

Interspire Email Marketer requires fsockopen() only when sending via an SMTP server. If you prefer to use your local mail server software, you can leave the SMTP settings blank, and Interspire Email Marketer will send emails using the PHP mail() function, which relies on your local PHP mail configuration.

Requirements for using an SMTP server to send mail

Interspire Email Marketer needs the following in order to be able to send email using SMTP:

  • fsockopen function needs to be available – this is enabled by default in most PHP installations.
  • Outgoing traffic to port 25 / 587 (or the port number you use to connect to your SMTP server) must be allowed.
  • Clearly a valid SMTP server to use.

What settings can I make to my mail server configuration to make Interspire Email Marketer faster?

Interspire can easily queue over 100,000 emails per hour. The main factor affecting delivery speed is your mail service. Most ISPs limit sending rates, consider contacting them to increase the limit. Better yet, use a dedicated email service provider.

Also, sending email via the User Interface (UI) is several orders of magnitude slower compared to queuing via the scheduler. Refer to Sending Rates & Limitations for additional details.

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